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This graded assignment will get you started on the guided clinical experience that you are completing throughout this co

This graded assignment will get you started on the guided clinical experience that you are completing throughout this course.

As a teacher, you will use information about relevant contextual factors, such as school, classroom, and student demographics to set learning goals, plan instruction, and assess learning. These factors may affect the teaching and learning process in your classroom, so it is important that you take the time to learn this information to better meet students’ needs.


To prepare for this assignment, ensure you have downloaded the following documents:

  • GCE Teacher Consultation Outline
  • Lesson Plan Template
  • GFE/GCE Rubric for Classroom Teacher

Assignment Deliverable

Meet with the classroom teacher for your guided clinical experience and complete the GCE Teacher Consultation Outline as you discuss the details related to this guided clinical experience. In addition, while meeting with the teacher, review the Lesson Plan Template and GFE/GCE Rubric for Classroom Teacher to ensure that you understand all of the requirements and expectations of this clinical experience.

Submit your GCE Teacher Consultation Outline for this assignment.

GCE Teacher Consultation Outline

Use the prompts below to facilitate your discussion with the classroom teacher at your school site for this guided clinical experience (GCE). The topics are related to general school and classroom information, lesson preparation details, and your plan for completing this GCE. Enter each response on a new line.

  1. General School Information: Indicate the name and location of the school where you are completing this GCE. Is the school a public, charter, private, or Title I school?
  2. School Demographics: Describe the overall demographics of the school (e.g., rural/urban, socioeconomic status of students, average class size, etc.). Are there any special populations served at the school?
  3. Classroom Demographics: Describe the types of learners that you will be working with in your classroom (e.g., students with IEPs, struggling learners, English learners, gifted and talented, etc.). Are there any paraprofessionals in the classroom?
  4. Grade Level and Class Size: Indicate the grade level and the number of students in the class of your school site for this GCE.
  5. Content Area and Standard(s): Indicate the content area and the specific content standard(s) that you will be addressing for this GCE (include the coding and wording of the standards).
  6. Pre-Assessment Strategy: Describe the pre-assessment strategy you and the classroom teacher have selected for this GCE (i.e., you create and administer a pre-assessment, you administer an already prepared pre-assessment, or you observe the classroom teacher administering a pre-assessment).
  7. Plan for Completing Part 2: Pre-Assessment and Data Analysis: Indicate the specific date and time that you will be at the school to complete the pre-assessment and data analysis portion of this GCE.
  8. Plan for Completing Part 3: Instructional Planning and Lesson Delivery: Indicate a specific date for you to have your Lesson Plan Template completed. Indicate the specific date and time you that you will be at the school to complete the lesson delivery portion of this GCE.
  9. Plan for Completing Part 4: Post-Assessment and Data Analysis: Indicate the specific date and time that you will be at the school to complete the post-assessment and data analysis portion of this GCE. (This can coincide with the date of your lesson delivery.)
  10. Plan for Completing the Part 6: Performance Evaluation: Indicate the date you will send the GFE/GCE Rubric for Classroom Teacher to your classroom teacher (via Tk20) so that they can complete the evaluation of your performance on Parts 2, 3, and 4 of this GCE.

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    This graded assignment will get you started on the guided clinical experience that you are completing throughout this co
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