1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
2. Watch the videos:
a. “Martin Seligman on Positive Psychology” (Closed captioning is provided.)
b. “Industrial Organizational Psychology Explained” (Closed captioning is provided.)
3. Open your ongoing Capstone Reflection Journal that you have saved in a Word document.
4. Title this new journal entry PSY-530 1.4 Exploration in Areas of Specialization, <Day, Month Year>. As you write your journal during this session, reflect on the following questions:
a. Which of the two specializations, Life Coaching and Positive Psychology or Industrial/Organizational Psychology, interests you more? Explain your response.
b. Describe the type of work you could envision yourself doing if you were to enter a profession with the chosen specialty mentioned above.
c. List three possible topics in that chosen specialization that you would consider writing a paper about as you get further into the curriculum. Think of topics that would allow you to explore that discipline in a way that further educates you about that specialty.
Your entry should be between 400 and 500 words in length