Report 1: Eight-week course I Am Taking This Term – Describe the eight-week onli

Report 1:
Eight-week course I Am Taking This Term – Describe the eight-week online course (course #, course title, & course description). (Use report 1 PDF to complete this part.)
List Outcomes from Your Eight-Week Course – List the outcomes (objectives) as written in the course syllabus from the eight-week online course. (Use report 1 PDF to complete this part.)
Apply Your Work Experiences to The Course – Correlate your job responsibilities with the eight-week online course outcomes listed above. If you are currently not working – Write how this eight-week course work will help you in future job responsibilities. (250 words the work experience has to relate to pipeline construction inspector)
Report 2:
Apply Your Work Experiences to The Course – Correlate your job responsibilities with the 16 -week hybrid course outcomes listed above. If you are currently not working – Write how this 16-week course work will help you in future job responsibilities. (250 words the work experience has to relate to pipeline construction inspector) (Use report 2 PDF to complete this part.)

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Eight-week course I Am Taking This Term – Describe the eight-week onli
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