Projects should:
–Demonstrate knowledge and application of materials covered in the course including a solid understanding of evaluation concepts and methodologies.
–Clearly reflect excellent, graduate-level writing abilities, including correct grammar, punctuation, and organization.
–Adhere to all APA Manual referencing and citation requirements.
–Include a reference list with a minimum of five references.
–The nonprofit and evaluation topic should have been selected by the student(s) during the fourth week of the course (see Course Schedule for specific due date).
Project 1 –
–Select a nonprofit/association organization that they wish to investigate. ( American Cancer Society)
–Identify key stakeholder groups necessary for the evaluation’s success.
–Summarize the organization’s key strengths, weaknesses, and challenges based on at least seven success factors identified throughout our course materialas.
–Offer quantitative and qualitative evidence in support of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses.
–Design a strategy to build consensus among stakeholders as to the key elements under evaluation, objectives, and desired outcomes.
–Select a specific program within the nonprofit for evaluation. ( Road to Recovery)
–Design a data collection tool and cover letter.
–Submit Project 1 consisting of five pages of content addressing the above items. In addition to the five pages include a reference list and any additional appendices (e.g., Organization’s Strategic Plan)
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–Demonstrate knowledge and application of materials covered in appeared first on Succeed Papers.