For this paper, I want you to choose a specific problematic health behavior that you might see in people around you (Please don’t name anyone! We all have and all have witnessed problematic behaviors in ourselves and others and I just want you to choose one you can relate to in some way. Fully made up is completely fine). Problematic health behaviors are many, but I will list a few examples here: smoking, lack of exercise, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, working too many hours, risky sexual behavior etc. Your paper will need to address the following broad ideas (specific grading rubric and instructions below):
1. Explain the factors that influence the start/maintenance of the problematic health behavior
2. Factors that might influence someone to change the problematic health behavior
3. Creative ideas you have for how you/society/doctors/any system that touches that person/people might be utilized to help them to make changes in their behavior
4. How you, if you were a medical Dr., Psychologist, Public Health Official etc, could utilize one of our specific models we learned about (e.g., health belief model, transtheoretical model, theory of planned behavior) to help reduce the problematic health behavior you describe. Describe how this model could be applied to the problematic health behavior you chose to discuss.
As a reminder, this paper should be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 8 pages. The length total does not include headers, title page, references etc – points will be deducted if the paper is under or over the length requirement! The paper should be double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1 inch margins on all sides. You will upload this paper through Canvas. Turnitin will be used so make sure you are being careful that everything is in your own words, and if not, you have it in quotes with a citation – see the syllabus for consequences of plagiarism (and per the Key to UB handbook, plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional with the same consequences so both: if in doubt, quote and cite!). This paper is meant to be based on your opinion and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Focus on your explanation and descriptions – not just rehashing of definitions.
For additional guidance on APA citations:
GRADING RUBRIC 75 Total Points
15 – Factors that influence the start/maintenance of the behavior. You must reference/cite at least 1 academic journal article. You can utilize google scholar or our library database. Do not pay for an article – just pick one that has a pdf listed you can view as there will be plenty of options to pick from for any topic you choose. Include the article authors and title on a reference page.
20 – Factors that influence someone to change the problematic behavior ( at least 1 academic journal citation that supports why you selected these factors – make sure it is unique to the one required for the point above). Include the article authors and title on a reference page.
20 – Your application of one of the models to the health behavior you describe (e.g., health belief model) – question 4 above. Explain thoroughly to show you have an understanding of the model you select and how it could apply.
10 – Your own creative ideas about what else could be done to support change of the behavior (at the public health/society level, treatment systems level, individual level, etc.)
5 – Proper APA citations. No cover page is needed; must have at least 4 full pages of text (with 12 pt font and 1 inch margins) + an additional reference page
5 – Well-written, follows guidelines, proofread etc
If you are significantly under/over the length minimum you will likely lose points across all areas I grade on, so make sure you are describing/explaining your ideas thoroughly but not including extraneous information as filler. I want to see your own ideas and descriptions so you can demonstrate your understanding of the topic, so make sure everything is in your own words. If you must quote something from one of the articles you cite, make sure it is in quotes and cited.
The post Problematic health behavior first appeared on Nursing StudyMasters.