Please reflect back on your pre-assessment completed on week 1 and integrate responses into post assessment based on your experiences in the community and online this term (please reflect how your pre and post assessment differ now, if so.)
Have any of your beliefs/perspectives/values/actions/attitudes and knowledge changed throughout the course? If so, provide at least one example.
How has the course changed/expanded your view of marginalized groups (specifically older adults) in society (socially, historically, geographically, and/or culturally)? Please provide examples.
Pick a topic we have discussed this term related to older adults and aging that is important to you. What are some steps you can take to impact change at a local, regional or national level?
Please describe your interactions with your older adult and what you will take away from the project (please use only first name of resident in paper).
Describe your approach to completing your final memory book project and what your goals were in presenting a final product to the older adult? How did you go about planning and constructing the project?
In addition, please tie in at least 4 aging concepts and/or theories from your book or readings that directly applied to your experiences in the community. Include any additional insight about the process here in this final reflection. (Approximately 5-6 pages, double spaced.)
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