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Personal Legislative Agenda

How can you move a policy forward? What strategies need to be implemented, evidence compiled, or resources utilized? What is the plan for the legislative process?

For this Assignment, you will create a Personal Legislative Agenda in which you will detail your strategy for moving your policy through the legislative process.

Begin working in Week 5, it is not due until Week 7.


Learning Resources

Required Resources


· Dawes, D. E. (2020). The political determinants of health. Johns Hopkins University Press.

· Chapter 5, “Wining the Game That Never Ends: Success Means Continuous Employment of the Political Determinants of Health” (pp. 112–130)

· Porche, D. J. (2023). Health policy: Applications for nurses and other healthcare professionals (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

· Chapter 12, “Evidence Informing Policymaking ” (pp. 175–183)

· Chapter 15, “Politics: Theory and Practice” (pp. 201–237)

· Document: Personal Legislative Agenda and Action Plan Exemplar (Word Document) Download Personal Legislative Agenda and Action Plan Exemplar (Word Document)

· Association of Public Health Nurses Public Health Policy Committee. (2021). Public health policy advocacy guidebook and tool kitLinks to an external site. . https://www.phnurse.org/assets/docs/APHN%20Public%20Health%20Policy%20Advocacy%20Guidebook%20and%20Toolkit%20_May%202021.pdf

· Congress.govLinks to an external site. . (2022). https://www.congress.gov/

· Congress.gov. (2022). State legislative websitesLinks to an external site. [Interactive media]. https://www.congress.gov/state-legislature-websites

· Gustafson, A. (2017, December 12). How to be a political influence—as an average citizen. CurrentsLinks to an external site. . https://smea.uw.edu/currents/how-to-be-a-political-influence-as-an-average-citizen/

· Rees, A. (2013, August 6). Digital and online activismLinks to an external site. . Reset: Digital for Good. https://en.reset.org/digital-and-online-activism/

· Social Current. (n.d.). Policy, advocacy, and communications toolkitLinks to an external site. . https://alliance1.org/web/resources/pubs/policy-advocacy-communications-toolkit.aspx

· White, N. (2018). Introduction: Why read the Effective Activist Guide. In Effective activist: An evidence-based guide to progressive social changeLinks to an external site. (pp. 6–10). Effective Activist. https://effectiveactivist.com/intro/

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To Prepare

· Review the Personal Legislative Agenda and Action Plan Exemplar to demonstrate how you will construct your Personal Legislative Agenda for the state and federal proposed legislation.

· Review the Personal Legislative Agenda and Action Plan Exemplar to determine which approach might work best for advancing your policy initiatives at various stages of the legislative process.

The Assignment:

Submit a Personal Legislative Agenda detailing your strategy for moving your policy through the legislative process, using the Personal Legislative and Agenda and Action Plan Exemplar as your template.

In your Personal Legislative Agenda, choose from the strategies provided in Advocacy Toolkit resource that best suite moving your policies forward. Be sure to connect the strategies to the appropriate sections of the policy model you selected in Module 2.



The post Personal Legislative Agenda first appeared on Nursing StudyMasters.

Personal Legislative Agenda
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