Literature Search & Best Practice for Target Population
Directions: Complete the attached template for your literature search and best practice for target population.
Part A: Communicate (email, interview/conversation, phone call) with at least two other community professionals about the community and potential community issue/concern/problem you are addressing (Pharmacists, Health Department, health care providers, Community Leaders, Hospital Administrators etc.).
Part B: Search the literature utilizing all resources identified in the course. Record the reference or resource in the left column and provide a summary of evidence-based strategies found to address the identified community issue, concern/problem in the right column. A minimum of 5 references/resources should be identified.
Part C: Develop at least 3 objectives to address the community health issue/concern/problem identified for your target population. (Example: After discussing the poster presentation, the participants will be able to list 3 no-cost strategies to incorporate exercise into their daily routine.) Be sure the objectives are measurable.
Part D: Brainstorm Ideas for the deliverable you will share with the community members (Handout/Flyer/Poster/Information Sheet, etc.). List your potential options to create or share from a trusted resource. (CDC, Healthy People 2030, WHO, Health Department, etc).