Nursing Primary Diagnosis Formulation
Directions: Read over the SOAP note and formulate a primary diagnosis. Based on the diagnosis complete the SOAP note with the details that would be expected for the diagnosis. Use UpToDate and/or Dyna MedPlus to find out what is expected from the history and physical diagnostic workup and management for the diagnosis. Include other peer review resources and journal articles to support the development of your SOAP note. Complete and attach the evaluation & management score sheet to show how you coded the note for billing in each section.
- Upload a copy of your completed SOAP note.
- Upload a copy of the evaluation & management score sheet
- Case Study:3 weeks ago for an upper respiratory infection and noted incidentally to have a blood pressure of 164/98 mm Hg. He vaguely remembered being told in the past that his blood pressure was “borderline.” He feels fine, has no complaints, and his review of systems is entirely negative. He does not smoke cigarettes, drinks “a couple of beers on the weekends,” and does not exercise regularly. He has a sedentary job.
- Nursing Primary Diagnosis Formulation
- His father died of a stroke at the age of 69. His mother is alive and in good health at the age of 72. He has two siblings and is not aware of any chronic medical issues that they have. In the office today, his blood pressure is 156/96 mm Hg in his left arm and 152/98 mm Hg in the right arm. He is afebrile, his pulse is 78 beats/min, respiratory rate 14 breaths/min, he is 70-in tall, and weighs 210 lb. A general physical examination is normal.
Case Study: A 47-year-old African American man presents to your office for a follow-up visit. He was seen 3 weeks ago for an upper respiratory infection and noted incidentally to have a blood pressure of 164/98 mm Hg. He vaguely remembered being told in the past that his blood pressure was “borderline.” He feels fine, has no complaints, and his review of systems is entirely negative. He does not smoke cigarettes, drinks “a couple of beers on the weekends,” and does not exercise regularly. He has a sedentary job. His father died of a stroke at the age of 69.
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Nursing Primary Diagnosis Formulation
His mother is alive and in good health at the age of 72. He has two siblings and is not aware of any chronic medical issues that they have. In the office today, his blood pressure is 156/96 mm Hg in his left arm and 152/98 mm Hg in the right arm. He is afebrile, his pulse is 78 beats/min, respiratory rate 14 breaths/min, he is 70-in tall, and weighs 210 lb. A general physical examination is normal.
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