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Nursing Descriptive Research Assignment

Nursing Descriptive Research Assignment

Respond with 3 references ape 7th edition. Respond to further the conversation. please don’t put “I like what you said” if you’re not going to further the conversation.

DQ: Chapter 1

Descriptive Research: Descriptive research involves observing a phenomenon and also provides information about the scope of its problem, its main characteristics, and the situations in which it is most likely to occur. This type of research does not allow any manipulation of variables. It tends to explore new concepts and gain an understanding of variables in their original forms (Gray & Grove, 2021). Descriptive research is easy to conduct, irrespective of the type, and data collection is done at a single point without much effort.

Nursing Descriptive Research Assignment

Nursing Descriptive Research Assignment

Explanatory research: This type of research aims to understand the relationship among phenomena and determine how they affect each other. It focuses on why and how certain events happen.

Prediction research: This type of research aims to forecast what may seem like a future outcome in a given situation. Prediction research is valuable because it enables one to anticipate a specific outcome that is likely to take place and initiate necessary preparations and preventive measures.

Control research involves modifying or intentionally manipulating a situation to see if a desired outcome is achieved (Gray & Grove, 2021). This type of research often helps determine an intervention’s effectiveness or preventative measures.

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Illustration of control research

According to the CDC (2024), approximately 795,000 people have strokes in the US, and about 185,000 strokes are in people who have had a previous stroke. Stroke recurrence after the first time is likely high. To prevent stroke from recurring, a control study is applied. The patient’s lifestyle is modified to help prevent the recurrence of stroke. Various lifestyle intervention programs are initiated. The patient is placed on dietary modifications, encouraged to engage in regular physical activities, smoke cessation support, adherence to medication (such as antihypertensives, statins, anticoagulants), and blood pressure control. By enabling patients to adopt these measures to prevent the recurrence of stroke, a controlled study is seen to be applied, and most times, these patients do not return for a second stroke (desired outcome).

Nursing Descriptive Research Assignment


Center for Disease Control & Prevention (2024). Stroke. https://www.cdc.gov/stroke/data-research/facts-stats/index.html

Gray, J. R., & Grove, S. K. (2021). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier Saunders.

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