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Module 6’s material outlined some new competitions in which the Naval Forces play a role.? Address one of the following in your Module 6 assignment: Disc

– Module 6’s material outlined some new competitions in which the Naval Forces play a role. 

Address one of the following in your Module 6 assignment:

  1. Discuss the U.S. Coast Guard’s challenges confronting China and supporting allies in the Pacific
  2. Explain what impacts lawfare has on the U.S. Coast Guard’s future
  3. The US has kept the USCG’s law enforcement alignment (DHS) and the Chinese have moved theirs under a DoD equivalent. Discuss whether it’s an advantage or disadvantage for the U.S. Coast Guard to be separate from the DoD in lawfare disputes and support your answer.


-must be 750 words in length (not counting the title and reference pages).

-Format: 12-point font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced.

-Ensure it has a dedicated introduction, conclusion, and references/citations as required.

-Ensure you insert footnotes

-Sources (Citations and References Section)Cite at least three (3) sources from the course materials. External sources are permitted, but they must supplement the assigned content.

-other resources:

Wall Street Journal, “Inside the Arctic military base at the center of U.S. – Russia tensions | WSJ,” YouTube video, 8:03, July 17, 2019, https://youtu.be/Midn_UNnj5I.

Jared Samuelson, “Sea Control 178 – Lawfare at Sea with Dr. Jill Goldenziel,” Sea Control Podcast, May 26, 2020, podcast, website, 29:47, https://cimsec.org/sea-control-178-lawfare-at-sea-with-dr-jill-goldenziel/.

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By Brian L. Sittlow May 1, 2020 7:00 am (EST)

What’s at Stake With Rising Competition in the


A changing climate and growing competition for resources is raising tensions

among Arctic nations.

The Arctic evokes images of a harsh environment—snow, glaciers, and a frozen ocean that caps the top of the world. But this relatively

peaceful and largely uninhabitable area is increasingly becoming the focus of international cooperation and competition. Climate change,

globalization, and the return of great-power rivalry is turning the region into a geopolitical hot spot, and Washington should continue to

partner with allies to set and enforce the rules.

What are the Arctic’s boundaries?

The Arctic region is defined by U.S. policy as all

land and ocean north of the Arctic Circle

(approximately 66.5° N latitude) plus the Aleutian

Islands, the Bering Sea, and portions of western

Alaska. Eight nations have territory in the region:

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Canada, Denmark (via Greenland), Finland,

Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United

States (via Alaska).

These countries share many interests, including the need to cooperate on search-and-rescue missions, enforce maritime safety regulations,

and preserve the well-being of indigenous Arctic communities. However, there are growing divisions between Russian and the rest of

the Arctic nations. China’s increasing assertiveness in the region also adds to the tension.

How is the region governed?

There is no single governing body for the Arctic. However, there are several organizations that loosely cooperate. The most successful has

been the Arctic Council, a forum of the eight Arctic nations. The council’s work centers on environmental monitoring, support for

indigenous communities, and emergency response; it does not deal with national security issues. With Russia set to assume the rotating

chair for the 2021–2023 term, analysts will be watching closely for any changes in Russia’s behavior.

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Other institutions, such as the Arctic Coast Guard Forum, North Pacific Coast Guard Forum, and various organizations for indigenous

Arctic peoples, bring together all the Arctic states but also do not address security issues.

Those that do work on security-related topics now

exclude Russia due to the broader isolation of

Moscow resulting from its 2014 annexation of

Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine. These

include the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(NATO), the Arctic Security Forces Roundtable,

and meetings of the Arctic defense chiefs.

What issues threaten Arctic security?

There are many thorny issues at play in the region.

Technological advances in extracting natural resources including fish, rare earth metals, oil, and gas are driving a race for influence in the

Arctic that could spur future conflicts. Furthermore, climate change is shrinking the ice pack, making it easier to access these resources.

Even among allies, there remain minor disagreements over territorial and navigation rights. Another challenge is the expansion of military

bases and deployments, which some Arctic nations see as necessary to protect their resources and logistics networks.


A prime example is the Russian port of Yamal on the Siberian coast, a major exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG). In 2017, Yamal LNG

began shipping across the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and through the Bering Strait to China, resulting in the emergence of a new strategic

international energy corridor. In part to defend the NSR, there has been a rapid increase in military outposts along Russia’s northern coast,

supported by the powerful Russian northern fleet, based near Murmansk.

An ice-class tanker, the Christophe de Margerie, awaits its shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the Russian Arctic port of Sabetta. Olesya Astakhova/Reuters


Complicating the situation are Russia’s demands for restrictive measures along the shipping route, including that all foreign warships

provide advance notice and get Russian approval prior to transit. Such measures limit international access to this sea lane and challenge

freedom-of-navigation rules defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

What are China’s aspirations in the Arctic?

The Chinese government promulgated its vision for a new Arctic policy in January 2018. It plainly states Beijing’s ambitions on Arctic

matters. Though it makes no territorial claims there, China considers itself a “near-Arctic state” with the right to conduct scientific

research, pursue economic resources, and play an active role in governance in the region.

China sees the Arctic as part of its worldwide infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative, and refers to its presence there as the

“Polar Silk Road.” Its scientists play a large role in the Arctic research station on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, it has developed the

capacity to build icebreaking ships, and it conducts Arctic patrols with its expanding fleet. China’s increasingly active role in the region

could heighten great-power rivalry with the United States and raise tensions with other Arctic nations.

How is the United States reacting to these developments?

The largest drivers of U.S. interest in the Arctic center on economic development, especially of petroleum industries, the rise of great-

power competitors China and Russia, and partnering with its allies to preserve rules–based international norms.

From a security perspective, the Russian military threat has for years been the driving force behind the joint U.S.-Canada North American

Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), which seeks to protect the air and sea routes to North America. The polar route is the most direct

for Russian weapon systems, and monitoring the Arctic remains a priority for NORAD.

Additionally, the United States has long emphasized preserving freedom of navigation, a major concern in the Arctic. NATO and its

democratic allies have stepped up exercises in the Arctic to deepen cooperation in that area. And initiatives such as the U.S. Coast Guard

Polar Security Cutter program are investing in crucial equipment, such as heavy icebreaker ships, that will help improve U.S. Arctic

capability at a time when it is more necessary than ever.


Captain Brian L. Sittlow is a naval officer specializing in submarines and a military fellow at CFR. The opinions expressed in this article are solely

those of the author and do not reflect any official policy of CFR or the U.S. government.

Creative Commons: Some rights reserved.



aB lueA

rctic DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY A Strategic Blueprint for the Arctic

aBlueA rctic

The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Toledo (SSN 769) surfaces through the ice as part of Ice Exercise (ICEX) 2020. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Michelle Pelissero)


America’s interests, stretching from Maine in the North Atlantic across the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait and Alaska in the North Pacific to the southern tip of the

Aleutian Island chain, are best served by fostering compliance with existing rules to assure a peaceful and prosperous Arctic Region.

This forward looking regional blueprint describes how the Department will apply naval power as we continue to prepare for a more navigable Arctic Region over the next two decades. It stresses an approach that integrates American naval power with our joint forces, interagency teammates, allies, and partners to preserve peace and protect this northern maritime crossroads and gateway to our shores. This regional blueprint focuses on coop- eration, but ensures America is prepared to compete effectively and efficiently to maintain favorable regional balances of power.

Our Department Team—Sailors, Marines, and Civilians—has taken steps throughout our history to protect American interests in our northern waters. We will build upon these efforts to maintain enhanced presence, strengthen cooperative partnerships, and build more capable naval forces for the Arctic Region.

The time has come to write the next great chapter in the history of our Department, to prepare for an Alaskan Arctic and a Blue Arctic where America’s Navy-Marine Corps team, alongside our allies and partners, will be called to protect our interests and people and ensure this region remains peaceful and prosperous for future generations.

Michael M. Gilday Admiral, U.S. Navy

Chief of Naval Operations

David H. Berger General, U.S. Marine Corps

Commandant of the Marine Corps

Kenneth J. Braithwaite II Secretary of the Navy

aBlueA rctic



The United States is a maritime nation. We are also an Arctic nation. Our security, prosperity, and vital interests in the Arctic are increasingly linked to those of other nations in and out of the region. America’s

interests are best served by fostering compliance with existing rules to assure a peaceful and prosperous Arctic Region – stretching from Maine in the North Atlantic across the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait and Alaska in the North Pacific to the southern tip of the Aleutian Island chain.

In the decades ahead, rapidly melting sea ice and increasingly navigable Arctic waters – a Blue Arctic – will create new challenges and opportunities off our northern shores. Without sustained American naval presence and partnerships in the Arctic Region, peace and prosperity will be increas- ingly challenged by Russia and China, whose interests and values differ dramatically from ours.

Competing views of how to control increasingly accessible marine resources and sea routes, unintended military accidents and conflict, and spill-over of major power competition in the Arctic all have the potential to threaten U.S. interests and prosperity. These challenges are compounded by increasing risk of environmental degradation and disasters, accidents at sea, and dis- placement of people and wildlife as human activity increases in the region.

[ INTRODUCTION ] Despite containing

the world’s smallest ocean, the Arctic

Region has the potential to connect

nearly 75% of the world’s population—

as melting sea ice increases access to

shorter maritime trade routes linking

Asia, Europe and North America.

The term “Arctic” means all United States and foreign territory north of the Arctic Circle and all United States territory north and west of the boundary formed by the Porcupine, Yukon, and Kuskokwim Rivers; all contiguous seas, including the Arctic Ocean and the Beaufort, Bering, and Chukchi Seas; and the Aleutian chain.


Despite containing the world’s smallest ocean, the Arctic Region has the potential to connect nearly 75% of the world’s population—as melting sea ice increases access to shorter maritime trade routes linking Asia, Europe and North America. Today, 90% of all trade travels across the world’s oceans – with seaborne trade expected to double over the next 15 years. Arctic waters will see increasing transits of cargo and natural resources to global markets along with military activity, regional mar- itime traffic, tourism, and legitimate/illegitimate global fishing fleets. The Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas are experiencing rapid sea ice loss, enabling greater access to waters off America’s Alaskan shores. An opening Arctic brings the United States closer to our northern neighbors to provide mutual assistance in times of need, while also enabling like- minded nations to defend the homeland, deter aggression and coercion, and protect Sea Lines of Communication.

The regional challenges facing the United States in the Arctic Region – from the changing physical environment and greater access to sea routes and resources, to increased military activity by China and Russia, includ- ing attempts to alter Arctic governance – have grown more complex and

The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Willow (WLB 202) maneuvers past an iceberg in the Nares Strait followed by the Royal Danish Navy patrol vessel Ejnar Mikkelsen. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Luke Clayton)


more urgent, while the rapid advance of authoritarianism and revisionists approaches in the maritime environment undermine our ability to collec- tively meet them. Peace and prosperity in the Arctic requires enhanced naval presence and partnerships.

U.S. Naval forces must operate more assertively across the Arctic Region to prevail in day-to-day competition as we protect the homeland, keep Arctic seas free and open, and deter coercive behavior and conventional aggres- sion. Our challenge is to apply naval power through day-to-day competition in a way that protects vital national interests and preserves regional secu- rity without undermining trust and triggering conflict.

These challenges create a unique – but limited – window of opportunity to chart a new course for American naval power in the Arctic Region. A Blue Arctic requires a new approach by the Navy-Marine Corps team to mod- ernize the future naval force to preserve our advantage at sea and advance U.S. interests in the region.

To do so, we will build on our long history of presence and partnerships in the Arctic Region. Over 150 years ago, USS Jamestown stood our northern watch as the U.S. flag was raised over Alaska. Since then, our Sailors and submarines were the first to reach the North Pole, departing from our shores and those of our allies and partners. Our Marines have long trained and operated in the Arctic. During the Aleutian campaign in World War II, our naval forces bravely fought alongside our joint and allied partners to repel the enemy’s attack. It was the proficiency and forward presence of American naval power in the Arctic Region that helped bring a peaceful end to the Cold War.

A U.S. Navy Sailor stands watch aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) during a replenishment-at-sea with the USNS Arctic (T-AOE-8) in the Atlantic Ocean. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Patrick D. Maher)


This regional blueprint is guided by the objectives articulated in the National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, Department of Defense Arctic Strategy, and Advantage at Sea: Prevailing in Integrated All-Domain Naval Power; supported by the U.S. Navy Strategic Outlook for the Arctic and informed by the U.S. Coast Guard’s Arctic Strategic Outlook. Our naval forces will operate across the full range of military missions to deter aggression and discourage malign behavior; ensure strategic access and freedom of the seas; strengthen existing and emerging alliances and partnerships; and defend the United States from attack.

Naval forces will preserve peace and build confidence among nations through collective deterrence and security efforts that focus on common threats and mutual interests in a Blue Arctic. This requires an unprece- dented level of critical thinking, planning, integration, and interoperability among our joint forces and international partners, along with greater coop- eration among U.S. interagency, state, local, and indigenous communities.

In the decades ahead, the Department will maintain enhanced pres- ence, strengthen cooperative partnerships, and adapt our naval forces for a Blue Arctic. We will work closely with partners – especially the U.S. Coast Guard, while building new partnerships, particularly in our Alaskan Arctic and the shores of our northern states. In doing so, we will provide our Sailors, Marines, and Civilians with the education, training, and equipment necessary to preserve peace and respond to crises in the region.

The United States will always seek peace in the Arctic. History, however, demonstrates that peace comes through strength. In this new era, the Navy-Marine Corps team, steadfast with our joint forces, interagency teammates, allies and partners, will be that strength.

The crew of the Seawolf-class fast-attack submarine USS Connecticut (SSN 22) enjoys ice liberty after surfacing in the Arctic Circle during Ice Exercise (ICEX) 2020. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Michael B. Zingaro)


The coming decades will witness significant changes to the Arctic Region. Encompassing about six percent of the global surface, a Blue Arctic will have a disproportionate impact on the global economy

given its abundance of natural resources and strategic location. The region holds an estimated 30% of the world’s undiscovered natural gas reserves, 13% percent of global conventional oil reserves, and one trillion dollars’ worth of rare earth minerals. Of the oil and gas reserves present in the Arctic, an estimated 84% likely reside offshore. Fish stocks are expected to continue to shift northward, attracting global fishing fleets and creating potential challenges to the current international prohibition on Arctic fishing.

Melting sea ice is making Arctic waters more accessible and navigable, enabling greater trade in the coming decades. Our Alaskan coast is already witnessing increased traffic. Russia is developing the Northern Sea Route to enable greater transit of military and commercial vessels alike. Canada has reinvigorated commercial activity along the Northwest Passage. Shipping traffic is rising with increased regional demand and movement of natural resources to markets, but will remain constrained by weather uncertainties, draft limitations, and costs. Port infrastructure is being developed to support maritime activity and local communities as ice recedes.

While only a fraction of global maritime activity transits the Arctic today, commercial activity is increasing through key strategic chokepoints such as the Bering Strait, Bear Gap, and Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom (GIUK) Gap. The projected opening of a deep-draft trans-polar route in the next 20-30 years has the potential to transform the global transport system.

[ CHALLENGES IN A NEW ERA ] Melting sea ice is

making Arctic waters more accessible and navigable, enabling greater trade in the

coming decades. Our Alaskan coast is

already witnessing increased traffic.

An F-22 Raptor with the North American Aerospace Defense Command intercepts a Russian Tu-142 maritime reconnaissance aircraft entering the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone. (Courtesy photo)


New commercial technologies will increase access and change the character of competition in the Arctic. Technological advancements will aid exploration and extraction of natural resources as well as the development of infrastructure and communications. Increased scientific expeditions will yield dual-use understanding of the maritime envi- ronment – and a potential military advantage. Our local Alaskan and indigenous communities will increasingly depend on the sea for trade and transport. Degrading permafrost puts Arctic infrastructure at risk. Arctic marine tourism will rise. Together, these changes will affect the fragile ecosystem and human safety, given the vast distances, harsh weather, and limited emergency response capabilities.

Greater access is further opening new Arctic undersea fiber optic cable routes link- ing Europe, Asia, and North America. Nation-states and other actors are mounting cyberattacks on Arctic ship- building, energy, and shipping sectors–especially the research and development communities that underpin them.

Rising maritime activity is spurring Arctic states to pos- ture their navies to protect sovereignty and national inter- ests while enabling their ability to project power. Nations in and out of the region are making investments in security and defense to enable Arctic opera- tions. Arctic States – especially Russia – are reopening old bases, moving forces, and rein- vigorating regional exercises. These trends will persist in the decades ahead.

Russia is investing heavily to enhance its Arctic defense and economic sectors, with a resultant multilayered militarization of its northern flank. By modernizing its military capabilities and posture – particularly the Northern Fleet – Russia aims to improve command and control, infrastructure, and joint force employment to project power and defend its northern approaches. In doing so, the escalatory and non-transparent nature of Russia’s military activity and unlawful regulation of maritime traffic along the North

The post Module 6’s material outlined some new competitions in which the Naval Forces play a role.? Address one of the following in your Module 6 assignment: Disc first appeared on Nursing StudyMasters.

Module 6’s material outlined some new competitions in which the Naval Forces play a role.? Address one of the following in your Module 6 assignment: Disc
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