Module 4 Discussion: FOCUS PDCA Methodology
Directions: Professional nurses should become familiar with tools from quality sources that can help them identify concerns and do quality improvement projects. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and the textbook have some great tools to assist professional nurses in implementing projects and evaluating them. In this assignment, you will use the FOCUS PDCA method to begin your quality improvement proposal in module five. This method can be found on page 606 of the textbook. Of note, the PDCA cycle described in the book is like the plan, do, study, act (PDSA) cycle from the IHI. For this assignment, they will be considered the same.
Visit the link provided under Readings and Resources for the IHI and read about each step in the PDSA cycle. Then, read the information on page 506 in the textbook related to the FOCUS PDCA method. Next, select a process to improve from your healthcare environment. Preferably, it should be a clinical problem you have encountered, but if that is a problem, select one you feel needs improvement. Visit the IHI website for some ideas about topics you can select, that link is to an external site.. It is important for you to understand the topic must be one that has recommendations from the literature to improve. Use the information in the readings to guide you for the first two sections, then the IHI PDSA cycle to guide you to the following sections.
Place this discussion in the APA template provided with the following headings:
A good introduction begins with about 5-7 general sentences about the topic. No references should be used in the introduction. At the end of the introduction should be a purpose statement like: The purpose of this discussion is to utilize the FOCUS PDCA or PDSA methodology to improve a healthcare process.
FOC: Process, Effort & Current Knowledge
In this section describe the process you want to improve. Some examples can be found in the IHI link above. Then describe how you would organize an effort to improve the process. Next, list two references from the literature describing why this process needs to be improved. For example, a statistic explaining the incidence of urinary tract infections.
US: Variation and Capability
In this section describe why you think the problem exists. For example, if you are writing about healthcare associated infections, could it be from a lack of healthcare providers understanding the need to wash hands often? Then describe who you believe can help you to assist with making the improvement. Why? Is there a need for a larger team? Why?
Plan, Do, Study, Act
In this section, describe each part of the plan, do, study, act cycle from the IHI with a reference. Do you believe this methodology could work to help your identified problem?
A good conclusion, like an introduction summarizes the information for the reader. A good rule of thumb is one paragraph for each section in the paper. There should be no references in the conclusion.
Grading: This Discussion is worth 50 points and will be graded using the Discussion rubric. Use the information in the rubric as a guide toward the successful completion of this Module
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