Readings and Viewings:
● Helping young children learn language and literacy: Birth through kindergarten. Chapter 1
● Koralek, D. (2014). Language and Literacy. YC Young Children, 69(3), 6–7.
● Rohde, L. (2015). The comprehensive emergent literacy model: Early Literacy in Context. Sage Open.
● Next Generation English Language Arts Standards
Write a reflection essay on the readings in APA format (4 pages of content). Include a title page, use in-text citations, and a reference page. Be sure to respond to the following guiding topics and questions:
Language and Literacy. In your own words, please explain the connection between language and literacy. Standards. Why are standards, like the Next Generation English Language Arts Standards, so important to planning in early childhood education classrooms? Instructional Strategies. Define the 2 approaches shared; natural approach and the explicit instruction approach. Give examples of both approaches and how they might blend together. Early Literacy Instructional Program. In our readings you learned about the 10 principles that effective early childhood educators should use. In your own words, share 2 that are strengths for you and your program, and 2 that you would like to learn more about in this course, and why.