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Identify three new (to you) advanced practice skills and explain how you utilized them during your internship. Explain how two tasks/activities performe

 4 pages 

  • Identify three new (to you) advanced practice skills and explain how you utilized them during your internship.
  • Explain how two tasks/activities performed in your internship have prepared you for the transition into a social work career. Provide specific examples.
  • Review your Advanced Practice Skills Checklist (from Week 3) and your Field Instructor’s evaluation. Identify three advanced practice behaviors that could benefit from more training or practice. Explain how or where you will look to obtain this training.
  • Reflect on your professional social work experience. In what ways have you changed or grown (think about cultural competence, clinical competence, professional demeanor)?
  • Identify your professional development plan, stating three SMART goals you will establish during the course of 3 years. For example:
    • In 1 year…
    • In 2 years…
    • In 3 years… 

Be sure to submit the results of your evaluation to this Assignment.

  • attachment




Area of Application


Week 3


Good, Fair, Poor

Week 11


Good, Fair, Poor

Case Conceptualization: Social worker demonstrates capacity to formulate a clear understanding of the client’s problem, integrating cultural, historical, developmental, and contextual elements to design a counseling plan to work with the client. Can articulate case from a theoretical perspective.


Time management

Consultation with supervisor

Theory identification

Client history review

Relationship Building: Social worker demonstrates ability in establishing relationship. Conveys positive regard, respect, warmth, nonjudgmental attitude, empathy, authenticity, and congruence.

Positive regard



Nonjudgmental attitude








Accurate Attention in Affect, Content, and Meaning: Social worker demonstrates ability to maintain structure, focus, and direction of the interview, proceeding through defined stages, and is able to end session effectively. Social worker demonstrates skills to facilitate and maintain engagement with the client.

Checking for accuracy


Matched language


Reflection of feeling

Reflection of meaning

Seeking common ground

Fostering dialogue

Nonverbal behavior observation

Techniques: Social worker uses techniques to ensure that resistant or involuntary clients feel empowered to engage in intervention. Social worker demonstrates an understanding of professional and ethical behaviors, responsibilities, relationships, and/or demeanor.

Sharing power

Offering choice

Suspending disbelief

Listening to understand

Showing respect

Personal Growth: Social worker documents areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

Supervisory review

Identification of strengths

Identification of opportunities

Comprehensive Use of Skills: Social worker demonstrates the use of a range of engagement skills, including open-ended questions, summarization, clarification, etc.

Reviews checklist with Field Instructor for weekly feedback and discussion

Avoidance of Ineffective Skills: Social worker is adept at avoiding ineffective skills that disrupt the relationship and the change process. These include:

· Interrupting

· Sending unclear or confusing messages

· Responding judgmentally

· Assuming

· Trying to prove a point or win an argument

· Failing to acknowledge environmental barriers

· Failing to match language

· Lacking genuineness

· Misinterpreting

© 2023 Walden University, LLC. For more information on the skills listed, see Chapter 9 of The Social Work Practicum: Preparation for Practice.

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Identify three new (to you) advanced practice skills and explain how you utilized them during your internship. Explain how two tasks/activities performe
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