Identify risks of potential health problems related to infection control during a disaster or catastrophic event

In your 5–6 page paper:
Apply a decision-making approach to assess potential health problems and needs
related to infection control risks in a disaster situation.
The heart of your paper will be assessing the potential risks of infection, given
the particular kind of potential disaster and location you’ve chosen to focus on—
and the populations that would be affected.
You’ll need to articulate not only the risks and potential needs, but the decisionmaking process you used to arrive at these. So articulate how you’ve applied a
decision-making process.
Apply personalized information, such as the needs of different demographic groups
and environmental exposure information, in the identification of healthcare risks.
You’ll assess specific needs of the different affected populations of the location
you’ve selected.
Integrate epidemiological and system-level aggregate data to determine healthcare
outcomes and trends.
Research the most current data about the risks and infection control related to
the situation you’ve selected, and incorporate the local data to support why
you’ve prioritized those risks the way you have.
Explain needs for communicating effectively with community individuals to help them
make informed choices about mitigating risk of infection.
What will be the needs and challenges for communicating effectively with the
different affected populations and communities you’ve identified, and why?
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence
and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.
Is your paper clear and persuasive for the different people who make up your
professional audience, and does it use APA style?

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