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Identify 1 way each discipline would address Health Equity? What are the factors in addressing SDoH?? must be at least 150 words.??References:? APA format

CDC YouTube Video on Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). 

  1. What is “my/our professions” view of SDoH? 
  2. What is “my/our professions” role in addressing SDoH? 
  3. Identify 1 way each discipline would address Health Equity 
  4. What are the factors in addressing SDoH? 

must be at least 150 words.  References:  APA format 7th ed.  Three current references (not more than 7 years old, from evidence based websites). one of the references should be the video. No consumer websites (examples of consumer websites: Wikipedia and WebMD). 

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    Identify 1 way each discipline would address Health Equity? What are the factors in addressing SDoH?? must be at least 150 words.??References:? APA format
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