Read rubric verbatim:
First, review the required module resources, carefully examining the behavioral competencies within the leadership domain. As a reminder, the two competencies within the Leadership cluster are 1) Leadership and Navigation and 2) Ethical Practice.
Once you are familiar with the Leadership Domain clusters, conduct a self-reflection and analysis by responding to each of the following three questions.
Strengths: What are your areas of strength within the Leadership cluster, and how did you determine a competency as a strength? Provide supportive examples.
Weaknesses: What are your areas of weakness within the Leadership cluster, and how did you determine a competency as a weakness? Provide supportive examples.
Strategies: What are your strategies for the development of behavioral competencies within the Leadership cluster? Provide supportive examples and information from your research.
OL 600 Module Four Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Self Analysis: Behavioral Competency: The Leadership Domain
For this journal task, you will conduct a self-reflec�on of your current strengths and skill gaps related to the behavioral competencies within the Leadership Domain. You will also suggest
ways to improve upon your weaknesses. This ac�vity will help you prac�ce the use of behavioral competencies that you will need to complete your final project.
Journals in this course are private between each student and the instructor.
First, review the required module resources, carefully examining the behavioral competencies within the Leadership Domain. As a reminder, the two clusters within the Leadership Domain
are 1) Leadership and Naviga�on and 2) Ethical Prac�ce.
Once you are familiar with the Leadership Domain clusters, conduct a self-reflec�on and analysis by responding to the following ques�ons.
Strengths: What are your areas of strength within the Leadership cluster and how did you determine this as a strength? Provide suppor�ve examples.
Weaknesses: What are your areas of weakness within the Leadership cluster, and how did you determine this as a weakness? Provide suppor�ve examples.
Strategies: What are your strategies for the development of behavioral competencies within the Leadership cluster? Provide suppor�ve examples and informa�on from your research.
Refer to the Module Four resources and other course materials to support your responses. Your instructor will provide feedback pertaining to your self-reflec�on and offer recommenda�ons
for skill development.
What to Submit
Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Dedicate a minimum of one paragraph of analysis for each of the three
ques�ons listed above.
Module Four Journal Rubric
Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Strengths Discusses areas of strength within the
Leadership Domain, including how a
cluster is determined as a strength, and
supports responses with evidence
Discusses areas of strength within the
Leadership Domain, but does not
sufficiently discuss how a cluster is
determined as a strength, or does not
support responses with evidence
Does not discuss areas of strength within
the Leadership Domain
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Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Weaknesses Discusses areas of weakness within the
Leadership Domain, including how a
cluster is determined as a weakness, and
supports responses with evidence
Discusses areas of weakness within the
Leadership Domain, but does not
sufficiently discuss how a cluster is
determined as a weakness, or does not
support responses with evidence
Does not discuss areas of weakness within
the Leadership Domain
Strategies Discusses strategies for the development
of behavioral competencies within the
Leadership Domain and supports
responses with evidence
Discusses strategies for the development
of behavioral competencies within the
Leadership Domain, but discussion is
cursory or lacking in detail, or responses
are not supported with evidence
Does not discuss strategies for the
development of behavioral competencies
within the Leadership Domain
Ar�cula�on of Response Journal assignment is free of errors in
organiza�on and grammar
Journal assignment contains errors of
organiza�on and grammar, but the errors
are limited enough that the assignment
can be understood
Journal assignment contains errors of
organiza�on and grammar that make the
assignment difficult to understand
Total: 100%
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The post First, review the required module resources, carefully examining the behavioral competencies within the leadership domain. As a reminder, the two competencies within the Leadersh first appeared on Nursing StudyMasters.