ENGLISH 1301: Literacy Narrative or Memoir ESSAY PROMPT
What is this assignment?
Our first major assignment is to write a literacy narrative or memoir essay – a personal descriptive story about a “learning” event or significant memory that took place during a relatively brief period of time – though sometimes learning to do something or understand something may take place over an extended period. In that case, several snapshots or important moments may be needed for the reader to understand your story. The words memoir and memory come from the same root word. However, good memoirs go beyond simply retelling a memory; they explore and reflect on a central theme or question. They invite readers to join the narrator in unraveling the deeper significance of recounted events. Sometimes, we never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Therefore, a memoir or literacy narrative should seek to describe and unpack the memory of a specific time of life from which valuable life lessons or life truths emerged.
There are 3 Rules for Writing Great Memoirs:
1. It must be interesting. Your memories always mean more to you than they do to other people. So what do you do? Don’t tell it all. Deliberately select your descriptions and details, but do not feel obligated to pack in everything.
2. It must be thematic. What is a theme? It’s a universal idea all people grapple with, something anyone can understand. Tell a memory that connects the reader’s heart to a deeper, universal human experience. A few examples of good themes are courage in the face of opposition, the conflict between mercy and justice, and a parent’s loving sacrifice.
3. It must be personal. Memoir is about something bigger than you; it’s not just an autobiography. It’s about a vulnerable part of life we can all connect to; it presents a moment of growth, transformation, or clarity in the writer while also inviting the reader to do the same for their own experiences.
In the required 750 words of this essay, you should establish the following:
• An engaging title to preview the chosen memory and theme
• A compelling introduction paragraph that sets the scene and presents a complication
• Cohesive essay structure through an identifiable plot and theme
• A conclusion paragraph that illustrates the insight that you gained from this moment in your life
• A writing tone that invokes intimacy through the use of rich and vivid details
• MLA 8 formatting: Times New Roman, 12-pt. font, double spaced, 1” margins, pages numbered Tips & Considerations
Unsure of what some of these keywords mean? Return to your course readings, notes, or ask your instructor for clarification.
Because this essay is a personal narrative, you will not be citing any sources or including a Works Cited page.
Memoir Rubric – Criteria for Success
Criteria Ratings Points
The student composes focused, coherent, and developed sentences appropriate to Composition I. Excellent: A Competent: B Meets Standard: C Does Not Meet Standard: D Incomplete: F / 10
The student adopts a writing tone that invokes intimacy through the use of rich and vivid details. Excellent: A Competent: B Meets Standard: C Does Not Meet Standard: D Incomplete: F / 20
The student controls surface features such as syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Excellent: A Competent: B Meets Standard: C Does Not Meet Standard: D Incomplete: F / 10
The student’s essay contains an engaging title. Excellent: A Competent: B Meets Standard: C Does Not Meet Standard: D Incomplete: F / 5
The student’s essay is formatted according to the prompt guidelines. Excellent: A Competent: B Meets Standard: C Does Not Meet Standard: D Incomplete: F / 10
The student’s essay contains a compelling introduction that sets the scene and presents a complication. Excellent: A Competent: B Meets Standard: C Does Not Meet Standard: D Incomplete: F / 15
The student’s essay contains a conclusion that illustrates the insight gained from this moment in their life. Excellent: A Competent: B Meets Standard: C Does Not Meet Standard: D Incomplete: F / 15
The student’s essay structure is cohesive, with an identifiable plot and theme. Excellent: A Competent: B Meets Standard: C Does Not Meet Standard: D Incomplete: F / 15
Total points: / 100
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