Quality Improvement Project
As a DNP-prepared nurse, it is imperative to explore the connection between research and quality improvement. How might a practice-focused question result in positive changes to the field of practice? How might the use of various methods lend itself to capturing substantive results for improvement?
In this Assignment, you will explore both quantitative and qualitative methods in a critique of a published DNP project. You will consider how the findings connect to a practice-focused question.
To prepare:
• Select a DNP project that uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to summarize the results from the options provided.
• Review the required Learning Resources regarding how to summarize results.
• Consider how the findings reflect the practice-focused question in the selected project.
The Assignment
Critique a DNP project that used both quantitative and qualitative methods and summarize the results.
Link the results of both quantitative and qualitative findings to the practice-focused question in the DNP project.
Required Resources
• Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model & guidelines (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.
o Chapter 6, “Evidence of Appraisal: Research” (pp. 254–260)
Required Reading for Topic: Studies
• Bangura, F. (2024). Development and evaluation of a nurse practitioner–directed intentional rounding strategy, and its impact on decreasing falls in a veterans long-term care facilityLinks to an external site. (Publication No. 30991997) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
• Khoja, A., & Moosa, L. (2023). Impact of tailored interventions for patient safety (TIPS) to reduce fall ratesLinks to an external site.. MEDSURG Nursing, 32(2), 89–93.
• Tzeng, H.-M., & Yin, C.-Y. (2017). A multihospital survey on effective interventions to prevent hospital falls in adultsLinks to an external site.. Nursing Economics, 35(6), 304–313.
Required Resources for Topics: Quality Improvement Project
Frazier, M. C. (2023). Examining the lived experience of secondary traumatic stress in emergency room nurses: A mixed methods studyLinks to an external site. (Publication No. 30816304) [Doctoral dissertation, Saint Louis University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
• Karamichos, S. (2023). The professional identity of the nurse practitioner: A mixed methods studyLinks to an external site. (Publication No. 30634134) [Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma City University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
• Medina, M. (2024). Implementing motivational interviewing to improve medication adherence: A staff education projectLinks to an external site. (Publication No. Order No. 30992260) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/15450/
• Rampersad, M. (2023). Oncology nurses, compassion fatigue and general health: A mixed-methods studyLinks to an external site.. Walden University. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/11819/
• Document: Simons, A. (2023). Executive summary: Quality improvement initiative reducing orthopedic surgical site infections through nasal decolonization Download Executive summary: Quality improvement initiative reducing orthopedic surgical site infections through nasal decolonization. Walden University.
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