Care Delivery Management and Leadership
HNU 300 Assignment Brief – Assignment 1
‘What skills are needed to develop your role as a team member and as a leader in clinical practice?’
Your first assignment is a 1500-word reflective account based on a SNOB analysis relating to your personal development as a team member and a clinical leader.
This piece of work assesses the Module Learning Outcomes 2, 5 and 6 and is worth 40% of the total marks for this module:
- Critically evaluate the principles of leadership and decision-making relevant to an area of practice.
- Evaluate the principles of teamwork and the impact in organising and delivering care to include risk management, resources and human factors.
- Critically evaluate emotional motivation associated with the foundations of Emotional Intelligence and resilience within care delivery.
The Submission deadline for this assignment is 13:00hrs on the Monday of week 5
Care Delivery Management and Leadership
Submission is in CANVAS (Via Turnitin) as a word document.
Use a reflective model of your choice to structure your reflection. As this is a reflection, it can be written in the first person.
Citation and referencing must be done using the Harvard method.
Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignments.
The first 2 pages must include the following information as specified in the module guide:
Title Page:
- Student Name
- Student Number
- Module Code/Title
- Module Lead
- Actual word count (this excludes the reference list)
Second page:
Declaration from you that the submitted assessment is your own work. An example of this is:
I declare that this is my own original work and it has not been submitted for another assignment or published by anyone else.
Care Delivery Management and Leadership
Please use the following formatting:
- 5-line spacing
- size 12; font: Arial, Calibri or New Times Roman
- Left alignment of main text
- No indentation of paragraphs or of the reference list
- Reference list should be formatted with single line
Your work should be set out in a standard essay format:
The introduction should:
- Introduce the assignment topic/ research article you are reflecting
- Briefly explain what you will be discussing in the main body
- Include which reflective model you will be using
- State you will be using the academic and critiquing skills developed in the module
Care Delivery Management and Leadership
The main body of your work should:
- Provide the reader with an overview of the topic/reflection.
- Present main points and arguments in a structured manner (using a reflective tool and your SNOB analysis will help with this).
- Use a new paragraph to discuss different points/subjects.
- Demonstrate your skills in searching, citing and critically analysing relevant literature
- Use your writing to demonstrate your academic writing skills
- Include critical analysis of the literature
- Use in-text citations correctly and make sure your reference list is
- Proofread your work for spelling and You are marked on these as well as on the structure and content of your essay.
The conclusion should:
- Provide an overview of what has been discussed in the main body
- Draw your ideas/findings together
- Not include any new facts/information/discussion
- Be short and concise
Care Delivery Management and Leadership
Reference List:
- Does not count in your word count
- A reference should be included for all in-text citations, a reference list should be included at the end in Harvard referencing style
- Use single line spacing and begin on a new page
- Use Cite them Rite and contact library for support
Useful things to remember:
- When completing your assignment please check your work against the marking criteria as these are what your work will be marked against.
- As it is a reflection, this assignment can be written in the first
- Cite and reference the reflective model you are
- The main body of your work should be reflecting on and discussing your SNOB
- Using a reflective model will provide a framework and support your
- Write in paragraphs with a standard essay structure: Introduction, main body of work, conclusion.
- Use the complete word There is a 10% allowance either side of the 1500 words
- Any literature you use should be carefully cited and referenced using the Harvard method. Use Cite them Right for support: Cite them right online – Home
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