Capstone Project: Project Management Assignment Instructions

You will complete this phase using Microsoft Project Management. Refer to the Learn material in Module 2: Week 2 as a reference for completing the various steps.


1. Determine the business requirements of the system

a. Define the system requirements of the company and the deliverables this project will facilitate.

i. What are the functional business requirements?

ii. What are the nonfunctional business requirements?

b. Requirements ought to be feasible within the parameters of the complete Capstone Project.

2. Facilitate Agile Time Management

a. Develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Microsoft Project.

b. Proper time estimations are necessary.

c. Develop a minimum of 15 scheduled items that manage the deliverables of each project phase.

d. Be sure to include resources, owners, time estimations, etc.

3. Facilitate Agile Cost Management

a. Use the same Microsoft Project document.

b. Provide appropriate cost estimations for the completion of each project deliverable.

i. Estimate the labor costs and hours to complete each task within your Microsoft Project WBS.

ii. Estimate the basic equipment and systems solution costs for the implementation of your Capstone Project.

c. Financial analysis should include calculations like NPV or similar methodology.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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