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At work in the medical-surgical post-operative unit and frustrated with the flow of client information before discharge

At work in the medical-surgical post-operative unit and frustrated with the flow of client information before discharge, you state, “I wish I did not have to wait for a physician to call to get discharge orders for a patient. Often, the client has to sit in the unit all day waiting to go home until a physician rounds. Then the client is usually leaving around the change of shift, creating a backlog of discharges and admits, increasing the chance for errors as information is missed.”

You have an innovative idea of how to solve this communication issue. The Nurse Manager asks you to prepare a presentation and share your idea with the nursing team in one week at the monthly staff meeting.


Record a presentation in screencast-O-Matic and summarize the key components of your proposed innovative idea. The purpose of this presentation is to convince the nursing staff your innovative idea is relevant. Submit both the PowerPoint Presentation and recording that includes the following:

· Title of the proposed innovative idea

· Description of the innovative idea

· In the notes, include the need the innovation is meeting, the purpose of the innovation, and a description of how you envision the innovation functioning with support from credible resources

· The relevance of the innovative idea

· In the notes, include a description of the possible impacts of this innovative idea relevant to the proposed setting with support from credible resources

· At least one reference from original research or evidence-based findings supporting your idea


· For assistance on using Screencast-O-Matic, please visit the Library and Learning Services Answers page: How do I make a video of a PowerPoint presentation using Screencast-O-Matic?

· For additional assistance on how to identify credible resources, please visit How do I know if a source is credible?

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At work in the medical-surgical post-operative unit and frustrated with the flow of client information before discharge
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