Question Description
Total two entry (1 and 2) Each entry write at least 200 words. Total at least 400 words, put answers in attached file template.
Please download and use Reading Response Template (See attached file) to format your responses.
Note: this is a multi-part entry. Please read the interview between Lindsey Davis and artist Maya Lin, THEN spend time looking at the website for Lin’s project “What is Missing?”. Please make sure to clearly respond to both sources in your writing.
Part 1:
Title: Dematerializing the Memorial (Links to an external site.) interview with Maya Lin
Author: Lindsey Davis
Note: be very careful to attribute the interviewer (Lindsey Davis) and the interviewee (artist May Lin) correctly in your responses. Do not get them mixed up.
Part 2:
Please spend time looking around the What is Missing (Links to an external site.) project website (this is what the interview above is about)
Title: Doris Salcedo: The Materiality of Mourning (see attached file)
From the Artist (pp. xvii-xix) Note: this essay is authored by Doris Salcedo herself
Introduction (pp. 1-13) Note: this Introduction is authored by Mary Schneider Enriquez
Author: Mary Schneider Enriquez
Criteria for Success:
Below is the rubric that will be used to evaluate your Reading Response Assignments. You may use this rubric and the guidelines above to self evaluate whether you have done an excellent, satisfactory or insufficient job completing the assignment.
Reading Response Rubric (1)
Reading Response Rubric (1)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
2 pts
Full Points
For both entries, student actively refers to at least 2 specifics from the reading(s) to support their reflections. It is clear through their discussion that they’ve read/viewed and engaged with ALL assigned material.
1.5 pts
1 pts
Room for Improvement
References to the reading content are somewhat vague, tangential, unrelated to the reading content or how it relates to art / one entry is missing
0.5 pts
0 pts
No clear references to the reading content / unclear that the student has truly read all materials
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal reflection, interpretation, analysis and synthesis
2 pts
Full Points
Student actively engages with the content of the reading(s) using personal reflection, analysis, interpretation, and/or synthesis, foregrounding their own original thinking about the reading.
1.5 pts
1 pts
Room for Improvement
Student’s response veers towards summarizing or telling what the reading was about / is vague, lacking in strong support details / lacks strong personal reflection / one entry is missing
0.5 pts
0 pts
No submissions / submissions are far too short / submissions do not respond clearly to the correct assigned readings
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper attribution, quoting, paraphrasing
1 pts
Full Points
Student consistently attributes sources by name and title accurately and properly quotes and paraphrases when referring to someone else’s words or ideas.
0.75 pts
0.5 pts
Room for Improvement
Student sometimes, but not consistently, quotes, paraphrases, and attributes by name the authors whose words/ideas they are sharing / one entry is missing
0.25 pts
0 pts
Student fails to properly attribute any sources by name/title, or to quote/paraphrase properly, thereby risking a situation of plagiarism.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
1 pts
Full Points
The BODY of the student’s response (not including headers, in-text citations, etc.) is between 200-300 words in length.
0.75 pts
0.5 pts
Room for Improvement
Both responses are under the 200 word minimum by up to 25 words (between 175-199 words) / one response is more that 25 words below 200 or missing
0.25 pts
0 pts
Both responses are less than 175 words in length / one or both entries are missing
1 pts
Total Points: 6
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