Organizations need to stay competitive. Part of their strategy is to make the best use of their information systems. There are several ways that an organization may acquire or modify an information system.
In this assignment, you will write an essay analyzing the methods for acquiring information systems in an organization based on the following information. The company that you have founded has grown into a medium-sized business and you need to update your information systems.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a prewritten application, an open-source application, or developing your own customized application.
How would you accomplish any customization or development assuming that you have an IT staff that mainly provides support on the existing system, they are not systems analysts or programmers, and their time is fully taken up with their current duties?
Discuss methods and tools for development.
What is the system development life cycle?
Would your database and applications reside on servers in your offices or use the Internet to access them in the cloud?
Would you consider outsourcing?
After looking at the alternatives, provide a decision on what you would do.
This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.
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