1. Read Carol F. Karlsen’s “The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: The Economic Basis of Witchcraft,” pp. 64-75 in Part I in Women’s America: Refocusing the Past in Course Reserves. 2. Read Digital History, “Salem Witch Scare”: https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=2&psid=3582 Links to an external site. 3. Write a 50 to 100-word answer to each question below. Write in complete sentences. Your answer must exhibit polish (correct spelling and grammar) and at least one direct citation or paraphrase from this week’s reading. III. Questions: 1. According to Carol F. Karlsen, who was most susceptible to being accused, tried, convicted, and hanged for witchcraft in 17th-century New England? 2. According to Karlsen, why did neighbors and acquaintances launch accusations against particular persons? 3. One can argue that Karlsen’s argument about the relationship between motivations for accusation and those who are “hunted” is still relevant. Provide a more modern example to support the argument that there are similarities between Katherine Harrison or Susanna Martin’s experiences and the experiences of other “witches” who came after them. This can include a discussion of the treatment of “witches” in popular culture, from history, or from contemporary times. In other words, what are the similarities and/or differences between the way Harrison and Martin were treated and the way that more modern “witches” have been/continue to be treated?
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